1. BARK av Lorrie Moore
2. IMOT KUNSTEN av Tomas Espedal
3. THE WILD IRIS av Louise Glück
4. THE HOLLOW OF THE HAND av PJ Harvey og Seamus Murphy
5. BIOPHILIA av Edward O. Wilson
Den aller beste boka jeg leste var uten tvil The Wild Iris av Louise Glück, en poet som jeg oppdaget tidligere denne måneden. Nydelig. Her er et av diktene:
I’ve watched you long enough,
I can speak to you any way I like–
I’ve submitted to your preferences, observing patiently
the things you love, speaking
the things you love, speaking
through vehicles only, in
details of earth, as you prefer,
details of earth, as you prefer,
of blue clematis, light,
of blue clematis, light,
of early evening–
you would never accept
you would never accept
a voice like mine, indifferent
to the objects you busily name,
to the objects you busily name,
your mouths
smal circles of awe–
smal circles of awe–
All this time
I indulged your limitation, thinking
I indulged your limitation, thinking
you would cast it aside yourselves sooner or later,
thinking matter could not absorb your gaze forever–
thinking matter could not absorb your gaze forever–
obstacle of the clematis painting
blue flowers on the porch window–
blue flowers on the porch window–
I cannot go on
restricting myself to images
restricting myself to images
because you think it is your right
to dispute my meaning:
to dispute my meaning:
I am prepared now to force
clarity upon you.
clarity upon you.
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