onsdag 22. juni 2011

Ord jeg hører på hostell mens jeg sitter ved et bord og venter på kjæresten min

California, it's so good, Russia, old Europe, to Moscow, Seattle to Chicago, Seattle to New York, no I haven't, my next trip, Brazilian, such a thing, special European, if you work an hour, would be fun, scenario, it's a beautiful country, fourteenth, Michael, a heartbreak, insanity, you can, England, I think my next will be to Asia or South-America, everything, Peru, hang with me, it's gonna be, painful insanity, just don't fall recklessly, painful insanity, to battle, three hours flight, some of them, skal vi stikke? Jeg setter meg bare der og ser om noen flytter seg, kind of expecting, I haven't seen enough yet, just det samma, vi skal ned til Chistianien, jaha, hallo, sjekk den plakaten der, hallo, Kontrafon, det er fest der som sist, det er musikken vi hørte i stad.

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