onsdag 22. desember 2010

Matporno #6

Denne gangen kommer utdragene fra nok en Francesca Lia Block-bok: nemlig novellesamlingen Blood Roses som jeg nettopp har lest.

Fra novellen My Haunted House, som handler om Fleurette som har et dukkehus hvor det skjer en masse mystiske ting:
Fleurette went into the refrigerator and took out the pecan pie her mother had made. She scooped out the filling and ate it. It was creamy and tasted of burnt sugar. Then she ate a jar of pickles. Salty, crunchy. Then she ate some vanilla yoghurt and a bag of rice cakes.

Fra novellen My Boyfriend Is an Alien, som er min favorittnovelle av alle i Blood Roses:
Afterward we went to eat burritos. My boyfriend had a carne asad burrito with extra hot sauce. I had a vegetarian bean and cheese with guacamole. My boyfriend is a carnivore. Aliens are not vegetarians. They like to eat cows cooked in various ways and other meats as well. He gnawed hungrily at his food and his big eyes flashed. I had mentioned that the fire photographs looked apocalyptic. He was telling me about the end of the world.

Fra novellen My Mother the Vampire, som handler om Sasha som er sykt tynn og alle tror hun lider av spiseforstyrrelser, men hun gjør ikke det, det er moren hennes som tapper henne for blod hver dag:
Sasha let Clyde in because the Madonna concert was depressing her, because of the flowers and because she missed putting his hair in pigtails. She gave him a beer and he fed her Cherry Garcia ice cream from her mother's freezer, out of the carton with a turqoise plastic spoon. He said she should stop losing weight, that she was just perfect.

Fra novellen Wounds and Wings, som handler om Audrey som finner en engel som noen har revet vingene av; hun redder ham, kaller ham Sad Lincoln og gjemmer ham på rommet sitt:
He went for days without eating and then wolfed down waffles and scrambled eggs, potato salad and cheese sandwiches, grilled chicken, steamed broccoli and pie.

Fra novellen Changelings, som handler om en gutt med en kjæreste som er død og en far som er død og som blir kjent med Daisy som vil ha ham med ned i underverdenen:
Their idea of a big night was cooking a gourmet meal together (something with figs, something with polenta, pomegranate seeds, salmon), drinking a glass of wine and getting in bed by nine. They had not slept apart one night since they got married twenty-two years ago.

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