Det er godt over ett år siden jeg lagde det siste (og første og eneste) «matporno»-innlegget. Ikke før nå lager jeg innlegg nr. 2. Jeg har nettopp lest en (ganske) ny bok av Francesca Lia Block: Pretty Dead. Jeg trodde aldri jeg skulle si det, men jeg elsker nå en bok hvor hovedpersonen er en vampyr. Det måtte Francesca Lia Block til det, men når det er sagt, så er det vel ikke rart. Jeg er litt forfjamset over at jeg ennå, i en alder av tjueén, synes hun er helt fantastisk, for hun skriver vel egentlig for tenåringer i femtenårsalderen pluss, men jeg er samtidig veldig, veldig glad for det. Verden er så vanvittig vakker etter at man har lest an FLB-bok.
Uansett, det jeg skal vise dere fra denne boka, er alt det fine som har med mat å gjøre. Det er bare det jeg kan gjøre, for jeg suger på å «anmelde» bøker. Here you go:
I beckoned him to follow me into the kitchen. I poured him wine, this time without asking, and he took the large glass. I sliced fresh tuna into thin strips with the sharp blade of my kitchen knife. I laid the fish out on a plate with ginger and wasabi. Then we went into the garden and sat by the pool where I first swam with Emily. I imagined her stepping out of the water, naked and laughing, so pretty, so in love with Jared Pierce.
Charlotte og William i Japan:
We are staying at a traditional ryokan, or hotel, in the outskirts. We sit on tatami mats; eat fish and rice; wear kimonos covered with peonis, pine trees, cranes.
Charlotte og Jared i en japansk restaurant i LA:
First we went to a sushi restaurant on Main Street. I spoke Japanese to the sushi chef, bowed and called him tatsujin, so he gave us all kinds of special dishes, decorated with leaves and orchids.
Det er veldig mye vin i boka, her er to utdrag:
Our apartment is large and sprawling, with bookshelves everywhere, a fireplace and a wall of windows looking out over the wt courtyard garden. Sometimes I walk around the lake and look at the flowering trees. I go to the outdoor market and buy oysters and wine. Sometimes I spend whole days in a bookstore. Mostly I wait for Billy to come home.
At night, on my way home from work, I walk to the grocery store on the corner and buy a loaf of bread, some cheese and chocolate, a bottle of red wine and, once a week, a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Og dette får meg til å lure veldig på hva grønn-te-latte smaker:
On other mornings we sat on the outdoor patio at the Urth Caffé in Santa Monica, and Jared sketched and I wrote. We ate poached eggs and spinach wrapped in salmon on brioches and blackout chocolate cake, and drank green-tea lattes the color of milky jade.
Ikke like mye som sist, men det er da noe og en unnskyldning til å skrive noe om en fin bok. Hvis noen har noen andre fine bøker, synes jeg dere skal si det.
Uansett, det jeg skal vise dere fra denne boka, er alt det fine som har med mat å gjøre. Det er bare det jeg kan gjøre, for jeg suger på å «anmelde» bøker. Here you go:
I beckoned him to follow me into the kitchen. I poured him wine, this time without asking, and he took the large glass. I sliced fresh tuna into thin strips with the sharp blade of my kitchen knife. I laid the fish out on a plate with ginger and wasabi. Then we went into the garden and sat by the pool where I first swam with Emily. I imagined her stepping out of the water, naked and laughing, so pretty, so in love with Jared Pierce.
Charlotte og William i Japan:
We are staying at a traditional ryokan, or hotel, in the outskirts. We sit on tatami mats; eat fish and rice; wear kimonos covered with peonis, pine trees, cranes.
Charlotte og Jared i en japansk restaurant i LA:
First we went to a sushi restaurant on Main Street. I spoke Japanese to the sushi chef, bowed and called him tatsujin, so he gave us all kinds of special dishes, decorated with leaves and orchids.
Det er veldig mye vin i boka, her er to utdrag:
Our apartment is large and sprawling, with bookshelves everywhere, a fireplace and a wall of windows looking out over the wt courtyard garden. Sometimes I walk around the lake and look at the flowering trees. I go to the outdoor market and buy oysters and wine. Sometimes I spend whole days in a bookstore. Mostly I wait for Billy to come home.
At night, on my way home from work, I walk to the grocery store on the corner and buy a loaf of bread, some cheese and chocolate, a bottle of red wine and, once a week, a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Og dette får meg til å lure veldig på hva grønn-te-latte smaker:
On other mornings we sat on the outdoor patio at the Urth Caffé in Santa Monica, and Jared sketched and I wrote. We ate poached eggs and spinach wrapped in salmon on brioches and blackout chocolate cake, and drank green-tea lattes the color of milky jade.
Ikke like mye som sist, men det er da noe og en unnskyldning til å skrive noe om en fin bok. Hvis noen har noen andre fine bøker, synes jeg dere skal si det.
Åå, den hørtes fin ut faktisk. ^^
SvarSlettJeg må få låne den engang? :P
Jaaa, jeg har ei fin bok! Demian av Herman Hesse. Det må være den nydeligste boka jeg noengang har lest. Fordi den er så... ekte. Den passer nok bare perfekt til meg. ^^ Men uansett er det virkelig fin litteratur. :)
Det kunne du hvis jeg hadde eid den, men jeg har bare lånt den. Jeg kom ganske tilfeldig over den på biblioteket, jeg visste ikke at hun hadde skrevet noen ny bok en gang. (Uæh!)
SvarSlettÅ, jeg må skrive 'Demian' ned i Skal leses-lista.